WISE COUNTY QUILT GUILD WCQG has worked hard over the last couple of years to provide quilts, baby blankets, stock-ing and bags to our communities in Wise County.
So we are having a Quilting Bee Bus trip to award our members for all their hard work. We will take a bus trip to Quitman, Texas the home of Stitchin Heaven Quilt Shop.
Stitchin Heaven has promised to set up a great day of demos, lectures, and shopping experience we will not soon forget. The two hour bus trip will also be filled with excitement of Quilting inspired games and prizes.
Each participant will received a gift bag full of wonderful gifts and water and soft drinks on the bus and a great box lunch at Stitchin Heaven. Bus Trip Details Make sure you sign up quickly because we only have 50 seats available, so first come, first paid, get a reserved seat.
There will be shopping time allowed in Stitchin Heaven so bring your money, Also we will stop at place for dinner on the way home so save some money for that.
Come along and enjoy a day with other quilters!
Cost of Deposit:
WCQG Members $20
Non-Members - $40 Price includes: Bus Trip to Stitchin Heaven in Quitman, Texas, Games, Give Away on Bus, Goodie bags, Box Lunch at Stitchin Heaven, Soft Drinks and Water, Demos, Lectures, and a lot of Shopping Time, plus much, much more.
Contact Carolyn K @ A&K Quilting 940-748-2060 to RSVP and to put your de-posit down to hold your seat.
Make checks out to Wise County Quilt Guild and mail or Drop off at A &K Quilt-ing - 12101 FM 2210 E, Bridgeport, Texas, 76426
We have ONLY 50 seats available, so make sure you sign up quickly.
All deposit are NON-REFUNABLE and need to be PAID in advance by 11/11/11. Date of Trip: Saturday 11/19/11
Time to Depart from Wal Mart (Decatur) Parking lot at: 7:30 am
Return to Wal Mart (Decatur) at 7:30 pm
August 2011 Meeting
We had a fun filled time Aug. 20 with a wonderful program. A short business meeting was followed by show and tell.
Mary's daughter, Jan, was a guest. See that cute dragon applique?
There's Sam Winover in the background.
Debbie's son had these made for her from his military uniform he wore in Iraq.
Jo Ellen and a group of quilters exchanged sixteen patches. Beautiful scrappy quilt.
Carolyn K made this striking quilt in wildflower prints. Initially it was for her bed but then she learned of a special friend at church who is moving out of state and is giving it to her. A special quilt for a special friend.
Diane told us about submitting a certificate to Moda found in her purchase of precuts and the outstanding fabrics Moda sent her.
Mary has been busy again. She has put together some quilts for the guild to donate or whatever they decide. Next meeting we will bring our ideas and present them.
Donna put this together as per Mary's STRONG encouragement from blocks made by members. Another quilt for the guild to decide it destination.
And then Sam Winover of Two Sisters Quilting brought us a program on Templates are Quilters Best Friend.
http://www.twosistersquilting.com/pages/about.htm . And I totally forgot to take pictures. Sorry. Good program, Sam. We all enjoyed your presentation. And of course the shopping afterwards!
Posted by Marilyn
Mary's daughter, Jan, was a guest. See that cute dragon applique?
Another of Mary's baby quilts. This one goes to the auction at her family reunion.
Debbie modeling the hat she made. Cute.There's Sam Winover in the background.
Jo Ellen and a group of quilters exchanged sixteen patches. Beautiful scrappy quilt.
Carolyn K made this striking quilt in wildflower prints. Initially it was for her bed but then she learned of a special friend at church who is moving out of state and is giving it to her. A special quilt for a special friend.
Diane told us about submitting a certificate to Moda found in her purchase of precuts and the outstanding fabrics Moda sent her.
Mary has been busy again. She has put together some quilts for the guild to donate or whatever they decide. Next meeting we will bring our ideas and present them.
And then Sam Winover of Two Sisters Quilting brought us a program on Templates are Quilters Best Friend.
http://www.twosistersquilting.com/pages/about.htm . And I totally forgot to take pictures. Sorry. Good program, Sam. We all enjoyed your presentation. And of course the shopping afterwards!
Posted by Marilyn
Upcoming Program for August
Sam Winover of Two Sisters Quilting will present a program on the X Block. Mark your calendars for Aug. 20. She will also be bringing her store for your shopping pleasure. If you're in the area please feel free to join us. The location and time of our meetings is in our sidebar to the right.
Lecture and Trunk Show June 17
Shirley Rutherford of Bowie, Texas gave us a wonderful lecture and trunk show. She and Donna Roth also judged our quilt show. Donna assisted Shirley in the trunk show. Many thanks, ladies. With "Quilting Around the Courthouse Steps" being our theme for this year's quilt show Shirley spoke on Log Cabin quilts. Her quilts are fabulous!
Shirley has a wonderful way of putting the right fabrics together to make her quilts stand out.
Posted by Marilyn
Shirley has a wonderful way of putting the right fabrics together to make her quilts stand out.
Posted by Marilyn
May Meeting
We had such a good meeting. In fact we had four visitors with three joining that day! Welcome, new members. There was some discussion of the quilt show coming up next month. We had some wonderful refreshments. Thank you, ladies.
Kay Lenschow told her story of this quilt. Her friend took it to a group and had them hand quilt it for Kay. It is gorgeous, Kay.
Directly after the meeting there were demonstrations by members. Barbara Peel showed us Texture Magic. Sorry, Barbara, my picture caught you with your eyes closed so not posting here. We enjoyed hearing about a product that was new to many of us.
Then Debbie Gaston showed us English paper piecing. She made it look so easy. Another thing added to the "want to do list".
And everyone knows in our guild who's the best at machine applique--Mary Mitchell. In fact most every quilt Mary makes has applique. And it's always going to be machine. She's done it so long and so much it is second nature to her.
Donna Hill brought several quilts she is hand quilting. She talked to us about needles, hoops, thread, and how to keep your stitches even and nice.
And there you have it. Next month QUILT SHOW -- see you there.
Show and Tell is always a highlight.
Carolyn Watkins is showing us the booklet you can pick up at their quilt shop, A & K Quilt Shop, for Quilt Across Texas. Sept. 1 through Sept. 30 is a Texas Statewide Quilt Shop Hop and they are featured in the Hop!
Directly after the meeting there were demonstrations by members. Barbara Peel showed us Texture Magic. Sorry, Barbara, my picture caught you with your eyes closed so not posting here. We enjoyed hearing about a product that was new to many of us.
Kay Lenschow loves hand applique and it shows. She talked to us about different methods, backgrounds, patterns, threads, and more.
I had been told that Jo Ellen Brown was the best at applying binding completely by machine. Folks she does it without pins! I was so inspired. She brought a graduation present to bind. She had asked the young man if he wanted a pillow case or a wall hanging and he said both. And she made it into both!
And there you have it. Next month QUILT SHOW -- see you there.
And as always happy quilting,
April --Fat Sack Workshop
Terry Atkinson of Atkinson Designs has a tutorial on her blog for the Fat Sack plus more how to posts. I had made several Fat Sacks a couple of years ago and every time I brought one of my bags to guild someone would ask me if I could show them how to make it. I emailed Terry and asked permission to teach her Fat Sack to our guild. She graciously agreed. Thank you, Terry. After a lunch of salads and of course dessert we got busy setting up sewing machines, ironing boards, and cutting mats. Most finished their bags and we all had a great time.
Marie West brought her granddaughter and she made her own bag. Barbara Peel is cutting her Fat Sack. Donna is beginning the pressing process. I'm there giving assistance as needed. |
Terry Atkinson of Atkinson Designs has a tutorial on her blog for the Fat Sack plus more how to posts. I had made several Fat Sacks a couple of years ago and every time I brought one of my bags to guild someone would ask me if I could show them how to make it. I emailed Terry and asked permission to teach her Fat Sack to our guild. She graciously agreed. Thank you, Terry. After a lunch of salads and of course dessert we got busy setting up sewing machines, ironing boards, and cutting mats. Most finished their bags and we all had a great time.
Left side of table Kay Fannin and Mary Mitchell and on the right at top of table are Karen Summitt, Jo Ellen Brown and Marilyn McShan |
Karen Summitt cutting. |
Phillis Parson and Donna Hill getting their bags cut. |
Joyce Betty sewing her handles. |
Peggy Smiley hemming the top of her bag. |
Marilynn Collins with her finished bag. |
Joyce Betty with her new Fat Sack. |
posted by Marilyn McShan
WCQG Quilt Show 2011
We have firmed up the dates for the Quilt Show - June 17, 2011 (3pm - 5pm) will be the Pre-show with Shirley Rutherford as our guest speaker. Shirley will talk about her quilts and show us a sample of her works. The admission is $10 and with that you get several hours of quilt history and 5 Door prize tickets for a chance at a beautiful gift.
On June 18, 2011 (10am - 5pm) will be the main Quilt Show, with Vendors, Antique Quilt Bed Turning, Judged and Non-Judged Quilts, Lessons and more... The Quilt Show and Pre-Show will be held in and around the Decatur Visitor Center located at 106 South Trinity St, Decatur, Texas.
We also will have a Quilt Challenge (fee $20.00) so make sure you contact us for more information.
On June 18, 2011 (10am - 5pm) will be the main Quilt Show, with Vendors, Antique Quilt Bed Turning, Judged and Non-Judged Quilts, Lessons and more... The Quilt Show and Pre-Show will be held in and around the Decatur Visitor Center located at 106 South Trinity St, Decatur, Texas.
We also will have a Quilt Challenge (fee $20.00) so make sure you contact us for more information.
WCQG Christmas Party
At the Wise County Quilt Guild Annual Christmas Party, WCQG presented CASA, Veteran's Center quilts tops donated by Virginia Woods of Runaway Bay.
Jo Ellen Brown of Alvord, quilted two quilts - One presented to the Veterans and one we presented back to Virginia Woods as a thank you for her gifts. Debbie Matthews of Montague, quilted the quilt used as a door prize for the party. Karen Summitt of Decatur, quilted the quilt presented to CASA.
Hopes and Dreams Quilt Challenge for ALS
For all you quilters out there--a challenge. Quilters Dream Batting is sponsoring a quilt challenge to benefit ALS -- Hopes and Dreams Quilt Challenge for ALS . Visit their link for more information.
Happy New Year
2011 is well underway. We are looking forward to a prosperous year for the guild.
Our last meeting of 2010 was our Christmas party December 11. It was a special gathering--a reunion of present and past members of Wise County Quilt Guild. It was wonderful to see everyone. The drawing for our donation quilt was one of the highlights. We had a number of baby quilts and blankets for Wise Choices Pregnancy Resource Center along with Christmas Stockings for C.A.S.A. of Wise and Jack counties.
There was also presentations of quilts to Wise Choices PRC and Disabled American Veterans Auxiliary. There was a drawing from those in attendance and Patsy Harris, Commander of the Disabled American Veterans Auxiliary Unit 70 of Decatur won. Oh, Patsy, you are one fortunate lady! This particular quilt has over 5,000 pieces in it.Virginia (Ginnie) Wood made and donated a number of quilt tops to the guild. Karen and others machine quilted several and these were the quilts presented. Ginnie Wood is not a member of our guild--but we sure hope that she becomes one.
And what's a party without DOOR PRIZES! Thanks to all the individuals and businesses who made our event special.
January meeting--
The nominations committee will present the slate of officers. Our program will be brought by several members demonstrating specialty rulers. If you are in our area you are invited. Fat quarter to bring for our fat quarter lotto--juvenile print.
Until next time,
Our last meeting of 2010 was our Christmas party December 11. It was a special gathering--a reunion of present and past members of Wise County Quilt Guild. It was wonderful to see everyone. The drawing for our donation quilt was one of the highlights. We had a number of baby quilts and blankets for Wise Choices Pregnancy Resource Center along with Christmas Stockings for C.A.S.A. of Wise and Jack counties.
There was also presentations of quilts to Wise Choices PRC and Disabled American Veterans Auxiliary. There was a drawing from those in attendance and Patsy Harris, Commander of the Disabled American Veterans Auxiliary Unit 70 of Decatur won. Oh, Patsy, you are one fortunate lady! This particular quilt has over 5,000 pieces in it.Virginia (Ginnie) Wood made and donated a number of quilt tops to the guild. Karen and others machine quilted several and these were the quilts presented. Ginnie Wood is not a member of our guild--but we sure hope that she becomes one.
And what's a party without DOOR PRIZES! Thanks to all the individuals and businesses who made our event special.
January meeting--
The nominations committee will present the slate of officers. Our program will be brought by several members demonstrating specialty rulers. If you are in our area you are invited. Fat quarter to bring for our fat quarter lotto--juvenile print.
Until next time,
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