As always before our meeting begins, we had good fellowship and good eats. A big Thank You to the ladies that were so generous with their culinary skills.
Highlights of Meeting Minutes:
- Meeting called to order by President Marilyn McShan, prayer and welcome to members and visitors. January minutes read. Marilynn Collins treasurer report.
- New Committee Chairs decided.
- Blocks of the Month - Diane McGee
- Publicity - Paulette Murphy
- Quilt Show - Karen Summitt
- Donation/Raffle Quilt - Karen Summitt
- T.A.Q.G. Representative - Kay Fannin
- Fabric Swap/Fat Quarter Lotter - Diana West
- Community Service - Mary Mitchell
- Greeter/Hospitality - Marie West and Phillis Parsons
- Discussion on donation quilt from Karen Summitt. Discussion over "Paper Bag Project". Discussion over "Get to Know Your Quilt"
- Show and Tell
- Fat Quarter Lotto drawing
- Mary Mitchell reported on totals from last years donations.
- Wise Choices - 40 quilts, 117 Christmas Stockings
- Wise County Relay for Life - 1 quilt
- Veterans - 206 bags
- Two donation quilts distributed - 1 to Darlene Skelton for her grandson to raise money for a racing wheel chair, and 1 to Peggy Smiley for volunteer fire department to raise money.
- Presentation to Phillis Parsons as out-going president.
Some of our "over-achievers" had already completed their block project and brought to show prior to exchanging patterns with others. So be sure and bring your patterns for swapping with others. If you have already swapped your 3 copies that were sent, feel free to make more copies to be able to swap with more people to get more block designs.
Kay Lenschow, Shirley Rutherford, Donna Hill, Karen Summit,
Marilynn Collins, and Peggy Smiley
Marilynn Collins, and Peggy Smiley

Also, as a reminder, Kay Lenschow shows us some of the many different fabrics that can be used for stockings. Many different kinds of things can be used besides just Christmas fabrics, especially for the kids (sporting themes, guitars, robots, etc.)
REMINDERS: (with contact)
Membership Dues - Marilynn Collins
16-patch block swap - Jo Ellen Brown
4.5"x 8.5" Strips - Marilyn McShan
Paper Sack with 10" square - Karen Summit
Copies of Quilt Blocks - Karen Summit
Peggy Smiley and Darlene Skelton

Gaila Coursey