During our trip down the road east we played games and had loads of fun just visiting with each other.

Everyone enjoy visiting the Alford Inn, where they had several demonstrations set up for us to learn about different products and ways of doing things.

The weather was perfect for our trip, so after shopping many enjoyed the comfortable atmosphere outside the Inn just sitting and relaxing.

While at Happiness is ... Quilting, we just happened to catch Sue Daley there teaching classes. She was in between classes when we arrived and she so graciously gave us a little demonsration of her clam-shell paper piecing technique. She had many of her quilts hanging on display for us to drool over. Debbie Gaston came back up to join us on our bus trip. It was fun having her join us. As you can see, she was very interested in Sue's demonstration.
5-19-12 Meeting
Our meeting ended with a couple of great demonstrations from two very talented ladies. Paulette Murphy, one of our members is a very talented applique'r, applique' person, anyway, she does very beautiful applique' work. She showed several of our members some of her favorite techniques.

We also had a visit from Anne-Marie Jennings. She is the past president of Lady of the Lakes Quilt Guild in Lewisville. She has over 25 years of quilting experience and she is an expert in paper piecing. Here are a few of the quilts she brought for us to see.
Until next time.