April --Fat Sack Workshop
Marie West brought her granddaughter and she made her own bag. Barbara Peel is cutting her Fat Sack. Donna is beginning the pressing process. I'm there giving assistance as needed. |
Terry Atkinson of Atkinson Designs has a tutorial on her blog for the Fat Sack plus more how to posts. I had made several Fat Sacks a couple of years ago and every time I brought one of my bags to guild someone would ask me if I could show them how to make it. I emailed Terry and asked permission to teach her Fat Sack to our guild. She graciously agreed. Thank you, Terry. After a lunch of salads and of course dessert we got busy setting up sewing machines, ironing boards, and cutting mats. Most finished their bags and we all had a great time.
Left side of table Kay Fannin and Mary Mitchell and on the right at top of table are Karen Summitt, Jo Ellen Brown and Marilyn McShan |
Karen Summitt cutting.
Phillis Parson and Donna Hill getting their bags cut. |
Joyce Betty sewing her handles. |
Peggy Smiley hemming the top of her bag. |
Marilynn Collins with her finished bag. |
Joyce Betty with her new Fat Sack.
posted by Marilyn McShan